Colour Inspiration in Winter

August 02, 2022 2 min read

Nicola and Holly, with the caption text: How to Wear Colour in Winter

When I started Smitten, a big incentive was creating more colourful merino clothing, as it was hard to find the colours I wanted to wear in winter.

“Colours are life,” says Versace. “Anywhere you see colours, there’s an intrinsic sense of joy.”

Wearing colour can do amazing things for your skin tone, hair colour, and overall appearance. And did you know there are 3 colours that are universally flattering— Red, Teal and Purple. These colours (or a hue of them) work with all skin tones . And luckily Smitten has plenty of beautiful items in those colours. Red for example is a great colour for grabbing attention. Perfect for empowering yourself.

Here are a few ways you can add colour to your wardrobe:

  1. Think about your wardrobe, by choosing/adding 3 colours that you love and always feel good wearing.
  2. Start small—add a bright scarf or necktie to your current outfit and notice how cheery you feel... Try a teal or mustard luxury scarf.
  3. Choose a cardigan in your favourite colour, as it's near your face it has more impact and is flattering. Wear it open with neutrals.
  4. Trade Black for another neutral such as Navy or Chocolate, both are great for basics— skirts, pants and jackets.
  5. Pick a favourite coloured top and pair back with denim, and boots.
    Try accessories - wear a stunning coloured necklace, belt, hat or bag to brighten your look.
  6. Experiment with tonal dressing - various shades of the same colour— Dopamine Dressing! Storm Teal and Deep Green or French Navy work beautifully together.
  7. Don't forget winter white! My favourite 😍 Pair cream polo neck/chunky cable knit with white jeans/ivory cords, add a coat and scarf... Or there's the new Ivory Florence Dress! YUM.
  8. Add an amazing bright or checked coat to step out with confidence, thrown over your shoulders.

Watch people respond positively to you wearing colour. It's the psychology of colour.